I have a web application that was setup 3 years ago on Windows NT using Apache 1.3.9 as the web server and Jboss 2.2 integrated with Tomcat 3.2.1 for the JSPs, servlets, and EJBs on JDK 1.3.  The database server is Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 on Windows NT.
I am attempting to upgrade the web/application servers on Windows 2000.  I installed J2sdk1.4.2, Apache httpd-2.0.47-win32 and extracted jboss 3.2.2.
Here is information about our old setup:
The old version of Jboss/Tomcat that we use did not require a .war file. 
The application jsps, html, xml, js, css files are under app\tomcat\webapps\ourapplication\
The file and directory structure where I added the database settings was app\jboss\config\tomcat\jboss.jcml
The jar files are under app\jboss\lib\ext and the ejbs jar file is under app\jboss\deploy.
The way we start the old application is to open a command prompt, go to c:\app\jboss\bin and run a run_with_tomcat.bat file. 
I have made a sybase-ds.xml file based on the example provided, added my database properties, and put it in the c:\jboss-3.2.2\server\default\deploy directory.
1.  Do I have to make a .war file of my application?  If not, where do I place the ourapplication folder?  I was guessing c:\jboss-3.2.2\server\default\deploy .
2.  Where do I place the jar files that were in app\jboss\lib\ext and app\jboss\deploy ?
3.  Do I need to modify the web.xml file in my application that was in app\tomcat\webapps\ourapplication\Web-inf\ ?
4.  Do I need to modify login-config.xml ?
5.  Do I need to configure anything to get tomcat to work with the application?
6.  Anything else I'm missing?
I realize I probably have a lot of work and reading to do.  I'm not sure what questions I need to be asking though.  I didn't setup the old system and mainly work with databases.
Any help you can provide would be appreciated.

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