
Per your request, I have tested a bean with auto-increment primary key
fields and without foreign-key mappings.

I created a mini-project for Jboss 3.2.2 comprised of only a single bean
class that should have Hypersonic auto-increment and create a primary key
for the bean.  The bean has no relationships at all and does have the
auto-increment tag.  Additionally, just for thoroughness, all of the
<insert-after-ejb-post-create> tags in standardjboss.xml are set to true.
The null primary key exception was thrown again.

Here is the bean:

package homebrew.ejb.entity;

// javax.ejb imports
import homebrew.ejb.interfaces.accountHolderBeanPK;
import homebrew.ejb.interfaces.accountHolderBeanData;
import homebrew.ejb.interfaces.accountHolderBeanValue;

import java.util.Collection;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;

*       @ejb.bean name="accountHolderBean"
*               display-name="General account information"
*               local-jndi-name="homebrew/ejb/entity/accountHolderBean"
*               view-type="local"
*               type="CMP"
*               schema="account"
*               reentrant="true"
*       @ejb.home generate="local"
*       @ejb.interface generate="local"
*       @ejb.pk extends="java.lang.Object"
*       @ejb.transaction type="Required"
*       @ejb.value-object match="*"
*       @jboss.table-name table-name="account"
*       @jboss.entity-command
*               name="hsqldb-fetch-key"
*       @ejb.finder
*               view-type="local"
*               signature="java.util.Collection findByEmailAddress(
java.lang.String theEmailAddress )"
*               query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM account AS a WHERE
a.emailAddress = ?1"
*       @ejb.facade
*       @ejb.util
*               generate="physical"
public abstract class accountHolderBean extends defaultEntityBean
        *       @ejb.pk-field
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @ejb.interface-method
        *       @ejb.persistence
        *       @jboss.column-name name="account_id"
        *       @jboss.persistence auto-increment="true"
        *       @jboss.auto-increment
        public abstract Integer getAccountId();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="account_id"
        *       @jboss.persistence auto-increment="true"
        *       @jboss.auto-increment
        public abstract void setAccountId(Integer theAccountId);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="account_role_id"
        public abstract void setAccountRoleId(Integer theAccountRoleId);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="account_role_id"
        public abstract Integer getAccountRoleId();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="email_address"
        public abstract String getEmailAddress();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="email_address"
        public abstract void setEmailAddress(String theEmailAddress);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="email_type_cd"
        public abstract String getEmailTypeCd();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="email_type_cd"
        public abstract void setEmailTypeCd(String theEmailTypeCd);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="account_password"
        public abstract String getAccountPassword();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="account_password"
        public abstract void setAccountPassword(String theAccountPassword);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="first_name"
        public abstract String getFirstName();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="first_name"
        public abstract void setFirstName(String theFirstName);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="ssn"
        public abstract Integer getSSN();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        *       @ejb.persistent-field
        *       @jboss.column-name name="ssn"
        public abstract void setSSN(Integer theSSN);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        public abstract accountHolderBeanData getData();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        public abstract void setData(accountHolderBeanData theData);
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        public abstract accountHolderBeanValue getaccountHolderBeanValue();
        *       @ejb.interface-method view="local"
        public abstract void
setaccountHolderBeanValue(accountHolderBeanValue theAccountHolderValue);
        *       @ejb.create-method
        public java.lang.Object ejbCreate(accountHolderBeanValue theValue)
throws CreateException
                System.out.println("in ejbCreate for value object...");
                /*setAccountRoleId(new Integer(1));
                return null;
        public void ejbPostCreate(accountHolderBeanValue theValue) throws
        *       @ejb.create-method
        public java.lang.Object ejbCreate(String theEmailAddress,
                String theEmailTypeCd,
                String theAccountPassword) throws CreateException
                System.out.println("in ejbCreate for email address...");
                setAccountRoleId(new Integer(1));
                return null;
        public void ejbPostCreate(String theEmailAddress,
                String theEmailTypeCd,
                String theAccountPassword) throws CreateException

Here is the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml (with auto-increment tag):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE jbosscmp-jdbc PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSSCMP-JDBC 3.2//EN"

     <datasource-mapping>Hypersonic SQL</datasource-mapping>


       To add beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
       a file to your XDoclet merge directory called jbosscmp-jdbc-beans.xml
       that contains the <entity></entity> markup for those beans.










        <entity-command name="hsqldb-fetch-key">
<!-- jboss 3.2 features -->
<!-- optimistic locking does not express the exclusions needed -->



Thanks for all of the help so far!

Matt Hanson

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexey Loubyansky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Container Responsibility for CMR Foreign Keys

Key generation commands in 3.2.1 are different from those in 3.2.2. In 
3.2.2 you should have <auto-increment/> for generated fields.

Could check whether key generation work for you w/o mapping foreign key 
fields to the primary key fields?

Hanson, Matthew wrote:

> Hi
> Just another FYI on the null primary key for auto-increment primary key
> problem in jboss-3.2.2.  Basically, the auto-increment keys don't seem to
> generate, and I get a null primary key error on creation.  The suggestion
> was to add <auto-increment/> to jbosscmp-jdbc.xml for the key fields.  I
> that, and the failure still occurs.  Just to be sure, I simply deployed
> jar to 3.2.1.  With 3.2.1, the deployment failed with the following error:
> 2003-12-04 13:50:16,738 ERROR
> [org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner] MBeanException:
> Exception in MBean operation 'checkIncompleteDeployments()'
> Cause: Incomplete Deployment listing:
> Packages waiting for a deployer:
>   <none>
> Incompletely deployed packages:
>   <none>
> MBeans waiting for classes:
>   <none>
> MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
> [ObjectName:
> jboss.j2ee:jndiName=homebrew/ejb/entity/accountHolderBean,service=EJB
>  state: FAILED
>  I Depend On: 
>  Depends On Me: java.lang.IllegalStateException: auto-increment template
> found]
> So, in 3.2.1, I removed the <auto-increment/> tag from the beans, and the
> app deploys and the bean works (i.e., auto-increment keys are generated
> properly).
> Can you tell me why the auto-increment tag was suggested for 3.2.2?  Are
> there additional tags that must be included?
> Please help!!!
> Regards,
> Matt Hanson

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