> The jury is still out on that one. :-)
> I would say that using EntityLockMonitor helps give you an impression of
> whether things are locking the way you think they are.
> If you see bigger numbers in the monitor than you would expect, then
> this gives you an indication that things are going awry.
> Generally I don't think locking should cause problems unless you have
> many concurrent writes to the same set of data.
> I noticed one interesting thing in the code for JBoss 3.0.4 though.
> Basically for read-only methods, the lock manager still locks the
> object, but only for the duration of the invocation.

the strategy is QueuedPessismisticEJBLock, there is a ReadWriteLock
strategy that you can try by changing the lokcing policy in the config of
your bean.

> Even this approach is a little overzealous, because an object doesn't
> need to be locked for concurrent reads, only if a write operation is
> taking place.
> This can be achieved using two types of lock; read locks and write
> locks.  It looks like in later versions of JBoss, a better read/write
> lock strategy is used.
> Is this correct?
> On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 19:05, Bill Burke wrote:
>> Cool. So you actually found the EntityLockMonitor useful?
>> Bill
>> Pete Beck wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.
>>> For the benefit of mankind, I've just written an article on our
>>> experiences with JBoss and tackling deadlocks:
>>> http://i3t.org/members/article.jsp?articleId=1595209
>>> It seems to be a frequent issue for people so I thought it might be
>>> useful for the archives and it might save future deadlockees some time.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Pete Beck

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