Hi All,
I am having problems running "Jboss3.2.2RC3-jetty4.2.11" on "Red-Hat
Linux9.2" with "JDK1.3.1_08" in cluster mode.
I have attempted the following things:

1.Installed "Jboss3.2.2RC3-jetty4.2.11" on two linux machines on the same
2.Added the "multicast" enabling string on both the machines as:
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface       U     0      0        0 eth0
3.Tested using javagroups test client(McastReceiverTest/MCastSenderTest).Its
working fine.
4.Now , I ran one of the Jbosses on one of the machine in "all" mode.
5.When the first one came up, then started jboss on the other machine as
well in "all" mode.
6.Both the jbosses seem not to recognize the presence of the other,ie,I am
getting the following
output in logs of both of the jboss.
[ClusterPartition] Starting channel
[DefaultPartition] Number of cluster members: 1
[DefaultPartition] Other members: 0
[ClusterPartition] Started ClusterPartition: DefaultPartition
None of the jboss instances are able to recognize the presence of
other,though the cluster-service is deployed successfully on both the

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance,

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