Has JBoss actually made an announcement of whether they will be releasing Jetty bundles from now on?
Either I have missed something, or we are seeing a lapse in "Professional Open Source".

There are definitely a lot of users who want to continue to use Jetty/JBoss for a number of valid reasons
(eg being able to server static web content as well as HTTPS on Windows platforms, keeping pure-Java platform neutral solution, known Tomcat bugs,
or those of us who have already invested a lot of time developing and testing for JBoss/Jetty etc.).
I realise we can all go and build our own by removing tomcat SAR, and dropping in Jetty SAR, but this will lead to version fragmentation.
It is much better for the whole JBoss community if they know everyone on (eg) JBoss/Jetty 3.2.3 is using the exact same setup.

Rod Macpherson wrote:

BCS poll shows Jetty winning however of the 18 million daily downloads
of JBoss that majority now use Tomcat.

We resisted moving to Tomcat because our stuff would break horribly on
it. When the powers that be started steering the herd toward tomcat we
decided to put the cart before the horse and jump on the bandwagon
before the fat lady sung. The problem turned out to be non-compliant JSP
tags that were exposed when we moved to Tomcat. After those were fixed
up we had no further issues to speak of.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Moulton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] jboss 3.2.3 + jetty X

I would also like to see regular Jetty releases, despite the fact that it is no longer the container of choice. However I am not holding my breath, as previous post seem to indicate that politics come before innovation.

Mike Moulton

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