There has not been an annoucement that we will not provide a jetty bundle. There has
not been a seperate bundle due to the fact that the initial testing indicated new
unit test failures that I did not have time to look into. We are simply taking the
latest stable sar release from the jetty sourceforge sar found here:

I'll try to get back to looking at providing a bundle toward the end of this week,
until then your free to build your own.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC
Mark Lassau wrote:

Has JBoss actually made an announcement of whether they will be releasing Jetty bundles from now on?
Either I have missed something, or we are seeing a lapse in "Professional Open Source".

There are definitely a lot of users who want to continue to use Jetty/JBoss for a number of valid reasons
(eg being able to server static web content as well as HTTPS on Windows platforms, keeping pure-Java platform neutral solution, known Tomcat bugs,
or those of us who have already invested a lot of time developing and testing for JBoss/Jetty etc.).
I realise we can all go and build our own by removing tomcat SAR, and dropping in Jetty SAR, but this will lead to version fragmentation.
It is much better for the whole JBoss community if they know everyone on (eg) JBoss/Jetty 3.2.3 is using the exact same setup.

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