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can you please give me more details about the configuration of the box which runs the 
site? (processor/RAM) r u using a cluster? how many instances r there?

our application will be insert/update intensive, will have also a lot of views and 
reports to generate. I am wondering how JBoss scales in such situations.

i think from the 975 online users that appear online when I am writing this message 
most of them are browsing the site not posting. So I agree with you in this case a 
clever use of cache will improve the performance significantly.

I know the best way to find it out is to test it by myself, but I think that the 
experience of the others involved in the industry worth be considered.

I hope that the advices are from a developer POV not a marketing campaign. From the 
marketing POV I think JBoss has some years ahead of Orion.(finally it is an american 
project ;))

Thanks for the quick feedback,


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