Good morning Julien,

Hope you finally got a decent night of rest; you certainly earned it! I trust that you 
are feeling some relief after getting 1.0 out :).

Thank you for your extended and thoughtful msg. I understand your points about 
separation of tasks, and want to reply in 2 parts. This message will be about some 
immediate issues; later I'll mention my architectural and longer term concerns.

Today, I am going to ask you to please take a little bit of time out to see things 
from a "naive user"  point of view.

I'm trying to write Wiki docs by getting into the head of our next wave of adopters 
(possibly someone who has been a webmaster, or who has only used GUI tools to build 
webapps in the past (like ColdFusion authors)). I'm also trying to write Wiki 
documentation that could replace the obsolete docs that are scattered around on the 
web site, MySQL readme, etc.  

So, before you dive back into the Core or out into the Modules, I want to get you to 
think about something different -- the experience these people are facing when it 
comes to things like the installation process, the build, the CVS snapshots, the 
installer webapp, MySQL integration, obscure references to system-level concepts 
(mbeans, ...), confusing error messages, confusing documentation.

Please take a look at a wiki page I put together to help these people out:

Baby steps.... Should be pretty easy, eh? Well, here's the point: for 4 days in a row, 
people have _not_ been able to successfully complete the list of installation steps on 
that wiki page.... apparently because the CVS snapshot has been broken in some way for 
each of the last 4 nights! 

Perhaps my instructions are wrong (maybe items out of order? something missing?)... 
but the 20040302 & 20040303 snapshots failed in the distrib build step, and the 
20040304 & 20040305 snapshots fail 50-75% of the way thru the install servlet.

It's now 4:30am; I stayed awake to check the snapshot that came out at 3:00am in my 
timezone (Rocky Mtns, US)... so I could test it before writing this msg to you. If it 
had worked ok, I would have posted that good news on the "installation oddities" 
and gone to bed. But it didnt work, so I'm typing this message to you instead.

(BTW, I tested on linux and windows and encountered definite 
problems on both, which I'll report later; I tested and it 
is quite nice!)

For people wanting to install into existing JBoss instances, for people who want to 
work with MySQL, for people who are deeper into this than just downloading the 1.0 
binary, but not yet into full-on CVS access and module development... let's get this 
CVS snapshot build process fixed.

Perhaps you can do what is on the wiki page, see things thru end-user eyes, fix the 
few minor bugs you'll find, and post a new clean CVS snapshot (possibly attached to 
the wiki page), so we can get a clean build, and people can use the 
InstallUninstallUpgrade instructions to successful completion?

Good night.

-- Howard


Here are some of the problems encountered when trying to run the installer with the 
current (20040305) snapshot:

Try w MySQL datasource....  50% of the way thru Installer sequence you get:
        General error, message from server: "Column count doesn't match value count at 
row 1" 

So you backup to Datasource screen, pick DefaultDS; then uncheck 
"Do not Execute DROP statements" on Modules screen.... you do get further.... 75% 
before getting stuck:
        No ManagedConnections available within configured blocking timeout ( 5000 [ms] 
); - nested throwable: (javax.resource.ResourceException: No ManagedConnections 
available within configured blocking timeout ( 5000 [ms] ))

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