Bean Src Code:

package com.stalworth.dqrules.cmp;

import java.util.Set;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
import javax.ejb.FinderException;
import javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException;
import javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException;
import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.sql.Timestamp;

//import com.stalworth.dqrules.constants.*;
//import com.stalworth.fc.utils.*;

 * @ejbgen:entity
 *   ejb-name =  RuleSet
 *   table-name = SW_DQ_RULESET
 *   data-source-name = sw-dataSource-oraclePool
 *   concurrency-strategy = Database
 *   prim-key-class = java.lang.String
 *   max-beans-in-cache = 500
 *   abstract-schema-name = RuleSetSchema
 *   reentrant = False
 *   delay-database-insert-until = ejbPostCreate
 *   default-transaction = Supports
 * @ejbgen:jndi-name
 *    local = com.stalworth.dqrules.cmp.RuleSetHome
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findAllInstances ()"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o ORDERBY ASC"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByName (java.lang.String name)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE = ?1"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "RuleSetLocal findByMasterNameAndApplication (java.lang.String 
name,java.lang.String app)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE = ?1 AND 
o.application = ?2 AND o.type = 0"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "RuleSetLocal findBySubsetName (java.lang.String 
name,java.lang.String pid)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE = ?1 AND 
o.parentId = ?2 AND o.type <> 0"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByApplicationAndOwner (java.lang.String 
app,java.lang.String owner_id)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.application = ?1 AND 
o.createdById = ?2"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByApplication (java.lang.String cid)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.application = ?1"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByApplicationScope(java.lang.String cid,int 
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.application = ?1 AND 
o.scope = ?2"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByApplicationAndOwnerScope 
(java.lang.String app,java.lang.String owner_id,int sc )"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.application = ?1 AND 
o.createdById = ?2 AND o.scope = ?3"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByOwner (java.lang.String owner_id)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.createdById = ?1"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByMaster (java.lang.String 
app,java.lang.String owner_id,java.lang.String pId)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.application = ?1 AND 
o.createdById = ?2 AND o.parentId = ?3"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByApplicationAndOwnerMaster 
(java.lang.String app,java.lang.String owner_id)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.application = ?1 AND 
o.createdById = ?2 AND o.type = 0"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByOwnerMaster (java.lang.String owner_id)"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.createdById = ?1 AND 
o.type = 0"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByMasterOrdered()"
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.type = 0 ORDERBY ASC"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByMasterInteractive(java.lang.String 
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.type = 0 AND o.forType 
= 1 AND o.screenName = ?1 ORDERBY ASC"
 * @ejbgen:finder
 *   signature = "java.util.Collection findByMasterInteractiveDefault(java.lang.String 
 *   ejb-ql = "SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE o.type = 0 AND o.forType 
= 1 AND o.screenName = ?1 AND o.forTypeDefault = 1 ORDERBY ASC"
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-CSRules
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasCSRules
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = CSRuleEJB
 *   cmr-field = cSRules
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-SRRules
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasSRRules
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = SRRuleEJB
 *   cmr-field = sRRules
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-DIRules
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasDIRules
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = DIRuleEJB
 *   cmr-field = dIRules
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-SSRules
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasSSRules
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = SSRuleEJB
 *   cmr-field = sSRules
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-MDRules
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasMDRules
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = MDRuleEJB
 *   cmr-field = mDRules
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-DPRules
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasDPRules
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = DPRuleEJB
 *   cmr-field = dPRules
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-RuleSet
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasSubsets
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   cmr-field = subSets
 *   target-ejb = RuleSetEJB
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-RuleSet
 *   role-name = SubsetIsAPartOfRuleSet
 *   multiplicity = many
 *   cascade-delete = True
 *   target-ejb = RuleSetEJB
 *   cmr-field = parent
 *   fk-column = PARENT_ID
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-RuleSetShare
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasRuleSetShares
 *   multiplicity = many
 *   target-ejb = RuleSetShareEJB
 *   cmr-field = ruleSetShares
 *   fk-column = RS_SHARE_ID
 *   joint-table = SW_DQ_RS_RSSHARE
 * @ejbgen:relation
 *   name = RuleSet-DQRulesRT
 *   role-name = RuleSetHasRTs
 *   multiplicity = one
 *   target-ejb = DQRulesRTEJB
 *   cmr-field = rTInstances
 * @ejb.bean
 *   name="RuleSet"
 *   cmp-version="2.x"
 *   local-jndi-name="com.stalworth.dqrules.cmp.RuleSetHome"
 *   view-type="local"
 *   primkey-field="id"
 *   schema="RuleSetSchema"
 * @ejb.persistence
 *    table-name="SW_DQ_RULESET"
 * @ejb.value-object
 *     name="RuleSet"
 * @ejb.transaction  type="Supports"
 * @ejb.transaction-type type="Container"
 * @ejb.finder
 *   method-intf="LocalHome"
 *   result-type-mapping="Local"
 *   signature="java.util.Collection findAllInstances ()"
 *   query="SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o"
 * @ejb.finder
 *   method-intf="LocalHome"
 *   result-type-mapping="Local"
 *   signature="java.util.Collection findByName (java.lang.String name)"
 *   query="SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RuleSetSchema AS o WHERE = ?1"
 * @jboss.persistence
 *    datasource="java:/sw-dataSource-oraclePool"
 *    datasource-mapping="Oracle9i"

abstract public class RuleSetEJB extends AbstractEntityEJB {

  public RuleSetEJB() {}

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = ID
     * @ejbgen:primkey-field
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
         *    column-name="ID"
         * @ejb.interface-method
         *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getId();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setId(String id);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setName(String name);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = DESCRIPTION
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="DESCRIPTION"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getDescription();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setDescription(String name);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = APPLICATION
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="APPLICATION"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getApplication();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setApplication(String application);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = APPLICATION_NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="APPLICATION_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getApplicationName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setApplicationName(String application);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = CREATED_DATE
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="CREATED_DATE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public Timestamp getCreatedDate();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setCreatedDate(Timestamp cDate);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = STATUS
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="STATUS"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getStatus();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setStatus (String status);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = TYPE
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="TYPE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public int getType();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setType(int val);

      * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = FOR_TYPE
      * @ejbgen:local-method
      * @ejb.persistence
      *    column-name="FOR_TYPE"
      * @ejb.interface-method
      *    view-type="local"
     abstract public int getForType();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setForType(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = FOR_TYPE_DEFAULT
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="FOR_TYPE_DEFAULT"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public int getForTypeDefault();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setForTypeDefault(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = SCREEN_NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="SCREEN_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getScreenName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setScreenName(String screen);

         * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = PROF_FILTER
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="PROF_FILTER"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
        abstract public int getProfanityFilter();
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
        abstract public void setProfanityFilter(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = DUP_TYPE
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="DUP_TYPE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public int getDuplicateType();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setDuplicateType(int val);

         * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = DUP_DATA_OBJ_ID
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="DUP_DATA_OBJ_ID"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
        abstract public String getDupDataObjectId();
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setDupDataObjectId (String val);

         * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = DUP_DATA_OBJ_NAME
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="DUP_DATA_OBJ_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
        abstract public String getDupDataObjectName();
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setDupDataObjectName (String val);

         * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = COMMIT_TYPE
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="COMMIT_TYPE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
        abstract public int getCommitType();
         * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
        abstract public void setCommitType(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = CREATED_BY_ID
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="CREATED_BY_ID"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getCreatedById();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setCreatedById (String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = CREATED_BY_NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="CREATED_BY_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getCreatedByName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setCreatedByName (String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = MODIFIED_DATE
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="MODIFIED_DATE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public Timestamp getModifiedDate();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setModifiedDate(Timestamp cDate);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = MODIFIED_BY_ID
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="MODIFIED_BY_ID"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getModifiedById();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setModifiedById (String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = MODIFIED_BY_NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="MODIFIED_BY_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getModifiedByName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setModifiedByName (String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = AUDIT_LEVEL
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="AUDIT_LEVEL"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public int getAuditLevel();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setAuditLevel(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = DEBUGGABLE
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="DEBUGGABLE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public int getDebuggable();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setDebuggable(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = SCOPE
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="SCOPE"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public int getScope();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setScope(int val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = PARENT_ID
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="PARENT_ID"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getParentId();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setParentId (String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = PARENT_NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="PARENT_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getParentName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setParentName(String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = SUPER_ID
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="SUPER_ID"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getSuperId();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
    abstract public void setSuperId (String val);

     * @ejbgen:cmp-field column = SUPER_NAME
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.persistence
     *    column-name="SUPER_NAME"
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public String getSuperName();
     * @ejbgen:local-method
     * @ejb.interface-method
     *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setSuperName(String val);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getDIRules();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setDIRules (Set drRules);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getCSRules();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setCSRules (Set csRules);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getSRRules();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setSRRules (Set srRules);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getMDRules();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setMDRules (Set mdRules);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getSSRules();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setSSRules (Set ssRules);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getDPRules();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setDPRules (Set dpRules);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getRuleSetShares();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setRuleSetShares (Set rsShares);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public Set getRTInstances();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    //abstract public void setRTInstances(Set val);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    * @ejb.value-object
    *   compose="com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue"
    *   compose-name="SubSet"
    *   members="com.stalworth.dqrules.cmp.RuleSetLocal"
    *   members-name="RuleSet"
    *   relation="external"
    *   type="java.util.Set"
    * @ejb.relation
    *   name="RuleSet-RuleSet"
    *   role-name="RuleSetHasSubsets"
    *   target-ejb="RuleSet"
        *   target-role-name = "SubsetIsAPartOfRuleSet"
        *      fk-column = "PARENT_ID"
    *      related-pk-field = "id"
    *      sql-type="VARCHAR2"
    *      jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    abstract public Set getSubSets();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setSubSets(Set val);

    * @ejbgen:cmr-field
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    * @ejb.value-object
    *   compose="com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue"
    *   compose-name="Parent"
    *   members="com.stalworth.dqrules.cmp.RuleSetLocal"
    *   members-name="RuleSet"
    *   relation="external"
    * @ejb.relation
    *   name="RuleSet-RuleSet"
    *   role-name="SubsetIsAPartOfRuleSet"
    *   cascade-delete="yes"
    * @jboss.relation
        *   related-pk-field="id"
    *   fk-column="PARENT_ID"
    *   sql-type="VARCHAR2"
    *   jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
    abstract public RuleSetLocal getParent();
    * @ejbgen:local-method
    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setParent(RuleSetLocal val);

    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    abstract public com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue getRuleSetValue();
    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setRuleSetValue(com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue val);

    * @ejb.interface-method
    *    view-type="local"
    abstract public void setParent(com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue val);

    * @ejbgen:local-method
/*    public java.util.Collection getRules () throws EJBException
      java.util.ArrayList rules = new java.util.ArrayList (5);
      rules.addAll (getRules(DQRulesConstants.CONST_CS_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE));
      rules.addAll (getRules(DQRulesConstants.CONST_SR_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE));
      rules.addAll (getRules(DQRulesConstants.CONST_DI_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE));
      rules.addAll (getRules(DQRulesConstants.CONST_SS_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE));
      rules.addAll (getRules(DQRulesConstants.CONST_DP_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE));
      rules.addAll (getRules(DQRulesConstants.CONST_MD_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE));
      return rules;

    * @ejbgen:local-method
/*    public java.util.Collection getRules (String ruleInstanceType, String ruleType) 
throws EJBException
      if (ruleInstanceType.equals (DQRulesConstants.CONST_CS_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE)) {
         try {
          CSRuleLocalHome csRuleHome =
            (CSRuleLocalHome) EJBFinder.findEJBLocalHome 

          if(ruleType != null)
             return csRuleHome.findByType (getId(), ruleType);
             return csRuleHome.findByPriority (getId());
        catch (Exception e) {
          throw new javax.ejb.EJBException (e);
      else if (ruleInstanceType.equals (DQRulesConstants.CONST_DI_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE)) 
         try {
          DIRuleLocalHome diRuleHome =
            (DIRuleLocalHome) EJBFinder.findEJBLocalHome 

             return diRuleHome.findByPriority (getId());

        catch (Exception e) {
          throw new javax.ejb.EJBException (e);
      else if (ruleInstanceType.equals (DQRulesConstants.CONST_SR_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE)) 
           try {
            SRRuleLocalHome srRuleHome =
              (SRRuleLocalHome) EJBFinder.findEJBLocalHome 
              return srRuleHome.findByPriority (getId());
          catch (Exception e) {
            throw new javax.ejb.EJBException (e);
      else if (ruleInstanceType.equals (DQRulesConstants.CONST_SS_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE)) 
           try {
            SSRuleLocalHome ssRuleHome =
              (SSRuleLocalHome) EJBFinder.findEJBLocalHome 
              return ssRuleHome.findByPriority (getId());
          catch (Exception e) {
            throw new javax.ejb.EJBException (e);
      else if (ruleInstanceType.equals (DQRulesConstants.CONST_MD_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE)) 
          try {
            MDRuleLocalHome mdRuleHome =
              (MDRuleLocalHome) EJBFinder.findEJBLocalHome 
              return mdRuleHome.findByPriority (getId());
          catch (Exception e) {
            throw new javax.ejb.EJBException (e);
      else if (ruleInstanceType.equals (DQRulesConstants.CONST_DP_RULE_INSTANCE_TYPE)) 
            try {
              DPRuleLocalHome dpRuleHome =
                (DPRuleLocalHome) EJBFinder.findEJBLocalHome 
                return dpRuleHome.findByPriority (getId());
            catch (Exception e) {
              throw new javax.ejb.EJBException (e);

      return null;

    * @ejbgen:local-method
/*  public java.util.Collection getRules (String ruleInstanceType) throws EJBException

        return getRules(ruleInstanceType,null);

    * @ejbgen:local-method
/*  public java.util.List getRulesAsList (String ruleInstanceType) throws EJBException
        java.util.ArrayList rules = new java.util.ArrayList (20);
        return rules;


    * @ejb.create-method
    *    view-type="local"

  public String ejbCreate(String id, String name)
    throws CreateException

    return null;

  public void ejbPostCreate(String id,String name) throws EJBException


     * @ejb.create-method
     *    view-type="local"

 public String ejbCreate(com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue v)
    throws CreateException

    return null;

  public void ejbPostCreate(com.stalworth.dqrules.vobj.RuleSetValue v) throws 


     * @ejb.create-method
     *    view-type="local"

 public String ejbCreate(String id, String name,RuleSetLocal parent)
    throws CreateException

    return null;

  public void ejbPostCreate(String id,String name,RuleSetLocal parent) throws 



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