dear roy,

you mean, that in my jsp your posted tag is missing? for a better understanding 
i've added my jsp:

<%@ page session="false"%>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/portal-lib.tld" prefix="n"%>
<% PortletURL jaURL = renderResponse.createActionURL();
PortletSession session = renderRequest.getPortletSession();
String calcAction = (String)session.getAttribute("calcAction");
String calcbin = (String)session.getAttribute("calcbin");
This is a very simple calculator (can only add).

Result : <%= ((Calculator)session.getAttribute("testBean")).getSResult()%>

<input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="bin" <%=calcbin.equals("bin") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>bin
<input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="hex" <%=calcbin.equals("hex") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>hex
<input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="oct" <%=calcbin.equals("oct") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>oct
<input name="calcbin" type="radio" value="fac" <%=calcbin.equals("fac") ? 
"CHECKED" : ""%>/>n!

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