Doh... I can't upload an image so here is a copy paste of the debug tree.

PublisherSequence this= PublisherSequence  (id=27)
  |     String intendedServerIP= "jnp://x.x.155:1099"
  |     PublisherSequenceSecurityProxyRemote pubSeq= $Proxy3  (id=40)
  |             InvocationHandler h= ClientContainer  (id=86)
  |                     InvocationContext context= InvocationContext  (id=90)
  |                             Map context= HashMap  (id=111)
  |                                     Set entrySet= HashMap$EntrySet  (id=260)
  |                                     Set keySet= null
  |                                     float loadFactor= 0.75
  |                                     int modCount= 0
  |                                     int size= 5
  |                                     HashMap$Entry[] table= 
HashMap$Entry[16]  (id=116)
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [0]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [1]= 
HashMap$Entry  (id=122)
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [2]= 
HashMap$Entry  (id=124)
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [3]= 
HashMap$Entry  (id=125)
  |                                                     int hash= -1368190845
  |                                                     Object key= 
InvocationKey  (id=138)
  |                                                     HashMap$Entry next= null
  |                                                     Object value= 
JRMPInvokerProxyHA  (id=140)
FamilyClusterInfo familyClusterInfo= FamilyClusterInfoImpl  (id=193)
  |                                                                     Object 
arbitraryObject= null
  |                                                                     long 
currentViewId= 1560272158
  |                                                                     int 
cursor= 0
  |                                                                     String 
  |                                                                     boolean 
isViewMembersInSyncWithViewId= true
ArrayList targets= ArrayList  (id=201)
Object[] elementData= Object[1]  (id=208)
        Object [0]= JRMPInvoker_Stub  (id=213)
                RemoteRef ref= UnicastRef2  (id=220)
                        LiveRef ref= LiveRef  (id=230)
                                Channel ch= TCPChannel  (id=233)
                                Endpoint ep= TCPEndpoint  (id=236)
                                        RMIClientSocketFactory csf= null
                                        String host= "x.x.x.87"
                                        int port= 1872
                                        RMIServerSocketFactory ssf= null
                                        TCPTransport transport= null
                                ObjID id= ObjID  (id=239)
                                boolean isLocal= false
int modCount= 0
int size= 1
LoadBalancePolicy loadBalancePolicy= RoundRobin  (id=196)
  |                                                             String 
  |                                                             Invoker 
remoteInvoker= null
  |                                                             boolean trace= 
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [4]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [5]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [6]= 
HashMap$Entry  (id=126)
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [7]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [8]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [9]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [10]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [11]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [12]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [13]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [14]= null
  |                                             HashMap$Entry [15]= 
HashMap$Entry  (id=127)
  |                                     int threshold= 12
  |                                     Collection values= null
  |                     Interceptor next= StatelessSessionInterceptor  (id=92)
  |     String seqID= "4b6s1o4b-e4z81o-edak9xvu-1-edakrm22-a"
  |     String version= "1.0"

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