Hi Bernd,

I can't resist...

anonymous wrote : cancel ProcessInstances and start complete new processes is 
often impossible (because of triggering external systems, sending mails t 
ocustomers, ...) 

What I suggested was ending the old processInstance and starting the new one in 
the same or matching state so you wouldn't be triggering anything twice. 
(Resending mails is a problem that has to be solved differently anyway as it 
isn't transactable.)

The problem I have with directly changing the database is 'revision-safe' data. 
Especially in long running or archieved processes you would have no chance of 
reproducing workflow execution as you have no way of knowing what definition 
was used for what processInstance. (If customer internal security forbids 
direct write access to production databases this would probably be forbidden as 

Think: Customers calls and claims you sent a mail 2 months ago. You changed the 
processDefinition. What chance do you have of being sure (unless you map / log 
all actions somewhere else).

But of course I am totally aware that hardly anybody cares about these things 
except for internal revision departments :-)



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