At 09:29 AM 4/3/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:56:33PM -0400, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
>> >Paul, it might be a good feature enhancement in the future to allow the
>> >to customize where the JDE jars are located.
>> I'm not keen on doing this. Adds yet another degree of freedom to the way
>> users can screw up their installations. I think users would be better off
>> following the instructions on the JDE website on how to install the JDE.
>I understand this, but then what is the recommended fix for this case?

My recommended fix is either for Debian to keep the JDE's files together,
as commmonsense would dictate, or for Debian users to reinstall the JDE
themselves, following the installation procedure given in the JDE
installation guide on the JDE website.

>I suppose the Debian maintainer just wants to stick to FHS and
>Debian-java policies, and that's why the installation paths are these.
>Doing a "dlocate jde", this is what the real file locations are in
>Debian (list abridged):
>/etc/emacs20/site-start.d/50jde.el               ---> startup files
>/usr/share/doc/jde                                ---> all docs
>/usr/share/emacs/20.7/site-lisp/jde/jde-dbs.elc   ---> all ".elc" files
>/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/jde/jde-dbs.el         ---> all ".el" files
>/usr/share/java/jde.jar                           ---> the "jar" file
>What changes do you recommend to be made in either "jde-dbs.el",
>"50jde.el", or elsewhere, that would imply minimal changes (Debian
>patches) to the original jde sources?

I recommend that you not touch the JDE sources unless you are prepared to
create, maintain, and provide technical support for your own version of the

- Paul 

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