Hi Eric,

Yes, I have seen this double quote phenomenon myself. Must be a regression
error in the many changes to the project code in the last several beta
releases. I'll look into it.

- Paul

At 01:09 PM 4/21/2001 -0700, Eric D. Friedman wrote:
>I'm doing some testing of the 2.2.7b9 release.  I decided to strip my
>environment to the bare essentials and proceed incrementally, just as
>someone who'd never used JDE before would do.  Doing this right involves
>re-starting xemacs over and over, so it's quite time consuming, but it
>has been enlightening.  Regrettably I think of no way to roll these
>operations up into a regression suite, since they generally involve
>mousing around in emacs.
>At any rate, I just uncovered a subtle bug in code that writes prj.el
>files - it prevents you from configuring the jde-bug-debugger setting.
>Steps to repeat this:
>1) I removed everything jde-related from my .emacs (after backing it up,
>of course)
>2) I created a project with a single source file and set about configuring
>JDE to build/run/debug this project.
>3) At no point do I save settings to my .emacs; instead, I set them and
>then save them to a prj.el file (C-c C-v C-p).
>4) After configuring jde-bug-debugger to use JDEbug, saving the prj.el
>file and restarting, the JDEbug menu does not show up.  Attempting to
>use JDE->Debug App yields an error about `quote' not being a valid debugger.
>Sure enough, the prj.el file looks like this:
>(jde-project-file-version "1.0")
> '(jde-run-executable-args (quote ("-find build.xml" "run")))
> '(jde-make-args "-find build.xml")
> '(jde-db-source-directories (quote (quote ("/usr/java/jdk1.3/src" 
> '(jde-build-use-make t)
> '(jde-run-executable "ant")
> '(jde-db-option-classpath (quote ("~/src/ICU/classes")))
> '(jde-global-classpath (quote (quote ("~/src/ICU/lib/icu4j.jar" 
> '(jde-make-program "ant"))
>Note the line that says:
> '(jde-db-source-directories (quote (quote ("/usr/java/jdk1.3/src" 
>;; note double (quote (quote))
>Now, if I delete this line from prj.el, restart xemacs, reset the
>jde-bug-debugger and save it to my .emacs file, the correct line is
>inserted, and the JDEbug menu appears on subsequent restarts.
>'(jde-db-debugger (quote ("JDEbug" "" . "Executable")))
>;; note single (quote)
>I imagine that most people do not change debuggers from project to project,
>but this is still not the preferred behavior.

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