In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, eric writes:
: Yes, the beta10 fix yielded a working debugger in both emacsen.  There
: were no changes to code or to the number of ambient processes between
: the upgrade, and I repeated the exercise with a downgrade (didn't work)
: and a re-upgrade (worked).  But also keep in mind the importance of
: upgrading the VM itself from 1.3 => 1.3.1.

Correction - I retraced my steps and realized that I hadn't tested
beta9 with VM 1.3.1 and xemacs.  I have done so and it *does* work,
so it would seem that the real problem is in VM 1.3.0, which is known
to have JPDA issues.

To summarize

                       beta9            beta10
FSF/1.3                GOOD*            BAD*
Xemacs/1.3             BAD*             BAD*
FSF/1.3.1              GOOD             GOOD
Xemacs/1.3.1           GOOD             GOOD

* results were seemingly random - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
In these cases the GOOD/BAD indicator show what happened most of the time.

Apologies for the confusion,
Eric "obviously not a QA whiz on TV or anywhere else"

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