You wrote:
> At 01:48 PM 7/18/2001 +0200, Karim Trott wrote:
> >May be I thinking too simple but isn't it feasable to invoke JMode by
> >"M-x j-mode" ?
> >
> Yes, one possibility is to replace jde- with j- in symbol names, on the
> analogy of c-mode. Another is jmode-. Thus, jde-global-classpath might
> become j-global-classpath or jmode-global-classpath. 
> I'd appreciate feedback on these alternatives.

I think jmode- is much better than j- as prefix. The mode activation function could be 
called "jmode" though.

Too bad you have to change the name, JDE is a well known name for Java programmers 
now. It's kinda scary that big companies can have such power of us small, hard working 
developers. I hope nobody starts complaining about ECB...

/Jesper Nordenberg

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