At 12:40 PM 8/7/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to write an Emacs command that will show help for a class field
>> or method. To do this, I need to get Internet Explorer to browse to the
>> specific place in the document for the class member. The API docs have
>> named anchors for each class member. You can create links to anchor points
>> in an HTML document by appending the anchor to the file name, e.g.,
>> c:/java/jdk1.3.1/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#hashCode()"
>> I was expecting to use the feature for my help command. However, Internet
>> Explorer appears to ignore the anchor portion of the path when the path is
>> passed to it from Emacs.
>> Is there a programmatic way to get IE to browse to an anchor port? I'd hate
>> to resort to a kluge like generating an HTML doc on the fly that would
>> require the user to click on a link to get to the anchor point or to have
>> to create my own browser in Java.
>> - Paul
>I use W3, or Netscape, etc. rather than IE.
>The following works fine for me on my Linux machine.
>M-x browse-url
>Maybe the IE is confused by the url.  Use file: and the file name,
>rather than C: by its self. e.g.
>This works for my IE (on my windows machine) when used directly.  I did
>not try via browse URL, but I do not see why it would not work.  It is

On Windows, browse-url uses the Windows API function ShellExecute to invoke
IE on a URL. This is done to avoid starting multiple instances of IE. As
others have noted, for some reason, when invoked in this manner, IE ignores
the anchor. It appears now that the only viable solution on Windows is to
create a "meta" html document that jumps to the correct anchor. I have
tested this on Windows and it works.

- Paul

>a correct URL.  The file name by its self is not. IE is simply
>Sincerely yours;
>Mark Mynsted
>VHA Management Information Systems Client Services
>972.830.0592, internal x1592
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