This doesn't happen to me -- I get the ant output in an Emacs buffer, no
MS-DOS window.  I can even click on compile errors and go to the source.
But I believe you, I'm sure it's (not) working the way you described!  Which
versions of Ant, JDE, etc., are you runnning?

Eventually, it might be nice to invoke Ant via java (starting a new JVM),
not ant.bat or

Steve Molitor

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Strollo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 9:09 PM
Subject: jde-ant and fast ms-dos window

When I use ant to build within the JDE, a msdos window pops up, the build
happens, and then the msdos window goes away and I have no idea what

Is there some setup for putting the output of the ant command into some
emacs buffer (the compilation buffer?) ?

Seems like this would be a FAQ, but I couldn't find anything in the ant
related customizations, or in the archives.

Larry Strollo                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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