Douglas>   I have already done this for Ant back in the summer.  If you
    Douglas> check the archives you will see the patch to jde-ant.el...


I searched the archive and did indeed find your tweaked version of
jde-ant.el.   It pretty much did the trick - thank you.

I had to make one tiny change to it.  It seems that the function
jde-ant-build-classpath is not honoring the jde-quote-classpath flag.

I looked at jde-build-path-arg in jde.el to try to figure out how to do it
right, but my meager lisp skills were stretched too far, so I solved it in
this rather inelegant way:

(defun jde-ant-build-classpath ()
  "Constructs the classpath used to invoke ant."
  (if (boundp 'jde-ant-classpath)
;; begin LMS MOD
;;     (concat "-classpath " (jde-build-classpath jde-ant-classpath))
      (concat "-classpath " "\"" (jde-build-classpath jde-ant-classpath) "\"")
;; end LMS MOD

Thanks again for your help.

Larry Strollo                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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