> > Start your java application with a -classic option to disable HotSpot -
> > it runs smooth!
> What JVM are you running under?

java -version
java version "1.3.1_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_02-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_02-b02, mixed mode)

Runing on Windows 2000 Service pack 2

> I am just setting -Djava.compiler=NONE

That was also enough in the good old days :)

This is from my 1.3.1_02 javadoc:

"The Java HotSpotTM Client VM
The Java HotSpot Client VM is the default virtual machine. Its use of Java
HotSpot technology gives it superior performance to that of the Classic VM.
Unless special command-line options are used to invoke the Classic VM
instead (see below), java will always launch an application to run on the
Client VM.

The Java 2 Classic VM
The Java 2 Classic VM is essentially the same virtual machine implementation
as in version 1.2 of the Java 2 SDK. It may be invoked by using the -classic
command-line option, as in this example:

java -classic MyApp

The Java 2 Classic VM is included only in the Java 2 SDK. It is not included
in the Java 2 Runtime Environment. The -classic option will not work with
the Java 2 Runtime Environment."

So, even the doc says: To disable HotSpot use -classic, AND it is only
possible on the SDK.

I also read at some point which I can't find again (nice proof, eh! :) that
the JDK in 1.3 will ignore the -Djava.compiler=NONE instruction and still
use HotSpot.

> > A while ago I posted some fixes/suggestions for changes in JDE to ensure
> > debugged applications started from JDE ran in classic mode, but I do not
> > if these changes have made it into the codebase yet....
> Do you have this documented anywhere?  What was the subject line?

Here is some trace of it.

Maybe it has been fixed - can't remember it.

But this still holds:
> > But the solution is to just start your java app externally from e.g. Ant
or a
> > simple commandline and then just attach to the JVM from JDebug.

With hope

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