I've encountered this problem before when I try to set a breakpoint in a
private inner class using the C-x, C-a, C-b key sequence.  I worked around
it by temporarily removing the "private" qualifier from the inner class
definition.  Alternatively, I have also had some luck when I typed the stop
command into the debug window directly instead of using the C-x, C-a, C-b
key sequence.  That is "stop at MyClass$InnerClass:25".

Hope this helps.

Chris Britton 
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Lavoie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: Breakpoint in inner Class


I'm not able to set breakpoints in inner classes when using JDB. When I use
toggle breakpoint in JBD's menu while on a line inside the inner class, the
line turns to a green background and I get the following JBD command when
the application stops on the first instruction (the line turns to a yellow
bg at that point)

stop at components.labelprint.EditableJList:101 
instead of 

When I run the application, I get the following:

Unable to set deferred breakpoint components.labelprint.EditableJList:101 :
No code at line 101 in components.labelprint.EditableJList.

Is it a known behavior and if so, are there any plans to fix it in the near

Jean Lavoie

- NT Emacs 21.1.1
- jde-2.2.9beta9.1
- Windows 2000

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