>>>>> "GB" == Graham Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


GB> As for the JDEE <-> Java interfacing issue, it's quite a difficult
GB> one.  The approach I took was drawn from the Transmogrify way of
GB> doing it - all the logic was on the Java side and there was an
GB> interface to get basic information (cursor position, selection)
GB> from Emacs.  This is probably the simplest approach, but it's not
GB> the best since JDEE will have no input into the control flow at
GB> all.  It basically sends it a file and receives back a new one.

As long as the AST resides in Java then it's pretty much the only way
to do it, right?.  I think with clever hook interface design you could
allow the editing to occur in the JDEE while the determination of what
changes to make would occur in Java.  For example, a couple of methods

  void replaceRegionWithText(String newText, int begpos, int endpos);
  void replaceSelectedText(String newText);
  void insertText(String newText, int pos);

As long as you use Emacs to edit the buffer and make the textual
changes of the refactoring, you'll benefit from undo.  This is
starting to get off-topic, so we could take it offline.

Also, most folks are going to want to use their cc-mode settings to
format the code; that's what I don't like about refactoring engines
that want you to configure pretty printers (e.g, JRefactory).

GB> I suppose a nicer approach would be to have all the logic in Lisp.
GB> One could go as far as having a Java component which walked the
GB> AST producing Lisp.  This AST could then be refactored and sent
GB> back to the Java code to be printed.

Maybe once the next generation of semantic is available we'll be able
to do the entire refactoring engine in elisp, but until then, I think
letting Java drive the control flow is OK as long as it can query
Emacs for file/buffer info and let Emacs do the textual editing.

Just a few thoughts of my own,

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