I agree with you.

In terms of features in debugger I would like to see -

1. fast update to different views
2. better variables view (I would like to suggest Java based GUI for
this i.e. a treetable)
3. storing and managing breakpoints
4. breakpoint grouping
4. Different kinds of breakpoints

        i. conditional breakpoints
        ii. actions when the breakpoints are hit
        iii. method entry breakpoint (JPDA allows this)
        iv. method exit breakpoint

                a. normal exit
                b. abnormal exit (exception)
                c. ability to see return value on the stack (even if it
was not
                stored in some local variable). I am not sure if JDPA
allows this.
        v. Class loading breakpoint


Just my wish list.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:30 PM
> Subject: Why the JDEE?
> Dear JDEE Users,
> A number of recent threads have alluded to the need for the 
> JDEE to keep pace, featurewise, with the competition, e.g., 
> Eclipse and JBuilder.
> I'd like to present my perspective on this issue as the 
> JDEE's lead developer and maintainer.
> It is hopeless for the JDEE to try to compete 
> feature-for-feature with dedicated Java IDE's, especially 
> commercial IDE's. The reason is that the pure Java IDEs do 
> not face the difficult skills and architectural constraints 
> than the JDEE development team faces, e.g., JDEE development 
> requires both Emacs Lisp and Java skills and is constrained 
> to standard I/O for interprocess communications.
> Why then bother with the JDEE? Because it allows Emacs users 
> to use Emacs to develop Java code. Put another way, the 
> reason for choosing the JDEE will always be Emacs and not the 
> other way around.  The JDEE allows Emacs users to make the 
> transition to Java development without having to learn 
> another environment.  It also allows users who are, like 
> myself, working in a multilanguage environment (e.g., 
> C/C++/Java) to use a single environment for all their work.
> Where then should the JDEE development team focus its efforts. 
> The focus should be on those features that best
> ensure that a decision to use Emacs for Java development
> does not entail a loss of productivity compared to what other 
> environments afford. In my view, the JDEE's greatest 
> deficiency in this regard is in debugging support. Therefore, 
> it is my intention to focus my efforts personally in this 
> area with the goal of providing the JDEE ASAP, not with the 
> best debugger available, but at least one that does the 
> basics well and reliably. 
> Until then, other features that have been mentioned recently, 
> such as a plugin architecture and syntax errors on the fly, 
> will move forward only in so far as others work on them.
> Regards,
> Paul

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