----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Henrik Kjær" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Paul Kinnucan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Syntax checking the current buffer

> Hi Paul
> That sounds great.
> I do not know if you are aware about it, but I have seen an Emacs minor
> called Flymake,
> which does syntax checking on the fly, and according to its author Pavel
> Kobiakov who intially wrote
> it for C (inspired by IntelliJ for Java) it can be used for java as well.
> A snippet
> >Yes, although it will auto save java source file on
> >every syntax check. And of course you'll need an
> >appropriate Makefile =).
> >  Pasha.
> >--- Henrik_Kjær wrote:
> >> Can it be used for Java as well?
> which according to
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Paul Kinnucan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Henrik Kjær" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 11:35 PM
> Subject: Syntax checking the current buffer
> Henrik Kjær writes:
>  > Hi
>  >
>  > I really like the JDE, but I am missing syntax checking which could
> to optimize the development process as
>  > it would remove a lot of small errors before compiling, e.g. a missing
> using an unknown class (e.g. Strin when I ment String), etc.
>  > Is there any plans to extend JDE with syntax checking or does anyone
> about a syntax checking mode for Java in Emacs!?
>  >
>  > I would also like if the JDE could help me find classes by using
> completion, e.g if I have classes called MyClass and MyOtherClass,
>  > I would just type My and JDE could help me find those classes. I know
> uses reflection to find classes so I have to type the exact name,
>  > but I can not always remember the full and exact name of all my
> so such a tool could some in handy - for me at least :-)
>  >
> Hi Henrik,
> Both of these features are planned for future releases. Syntax checking
> requires features in semantic 2.0 and hence awaits its availability.
> Class completion requires only somebody with the time and willingness
> to undertake it. I'm too busy at the moment but will try to fit it into
> my schedule for 2.3.4, if nobody else implements it beforehand.
> - Paul

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