Heinz-Dieter Conradi writes:
 > hi all,
 > i am a happy jde user. however, occasionally i like to work with eclipse.
 > this is not only due to the refactoring possibilities offered by eclipse.
 > another reason is the eclipse compiler, which offers a lot of helpfull
 > warning about e.g. meaningless assignments (ala x = x).
 > the eclipse compiler can be used standalone:
 >   java -classpath $eclipse_home/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.0.0/jdtcore.jar
 >       org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/Main <options> <files>
 > i would really like to use it within the jde. if possible as replacement
 > for the javac server.
 > is this possible? has anybody tried to do this?

The JDEE's compile server runs javac in the beanshell (see
jde-compile.el). It could just as easily run the eclipse compiler or
any other compiler implemented in Java. All that is needed is to make
the compiler an option for the compile server, with the user able to
specify the jar file and main class for the compiler.


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