Hello all,

What emacs JDE tools are availble for validating a Tomcat web.xml file?

Yesterday, I could edit my web.xml file and see the emacs JDE color coding
the tags blue and data black. Hurray!

As of today, I seem to have lost the pretty colors.

: (

I treied to explicity set xml-mode, but that didn't fix the trouble.

A test edit of foo.java shows that java-mode is still working for java
files. (more pretty colors)

I would love it if my JDE could help to validate my web.xml in some way.
It's a pain to restart tomcat and parse the logs every time. I'd at least
like to get my color coding back.




I am running a Cignys Xwindows Server on Windows XP to connect to a Red Hat
linux box running both the X Client Tomcat 5.

On lunix...
# rpm -qa | grep emacs

eieio, speedbar, etc are all latest versions, but not the singular beta

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