I see now that the user guide just says it inserts at the head of the
buffer, but the code appears to be a little more sophisticated, where it
tries to figure out where it should insert the import
(jde-import-get-import-insertion-point).  However, the result is the
same.  It just inserts the new import before the package statement.  I
guess I'll try a little debugging of that function.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karr, David 
> Is there any way to customize where import statements are 
> generated?  It presently inserts them at the head of the 
> buffer, which means I still have to move them after they're 
> generated.  I always put imports in a block with no blank 
> lines, after the "package" statement, with a blank line 
> before and after the block.  I see there are options for 
> specifying how imports are grouped, but I assume that's 
> separate from where they're initially inserted.

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