man, 2004-11-22 kl. 13:31 skrev Morten:
> man, 2004-11-22 kl. 13:24 skrev Paul Kinnucan:
> > It's possible there is a regression. I will take a look
> > this evening to see if I can reproduce the problem. 
> > 
> > Just to be sure, which debugger are you using? The JDEE's
> > interface to jdb or JDEbug?
> I'm using the jdb.

I noticed that in the code, it checks for "," .. and replaces it with

However, in my locale, lines past 999, are /not/ shown as :  1,204 ..
they're show as "1.204" as we use "," in fractional numbers.  Eg. in
danish, 1½ is "1,5" not "1.5" .. so "1,204" would be between the first
and the second line.   Now in regex, "." matches any char, so I guess
it needs to be escaped with "\" or something?  (I am not proficient
with lisp or elisp).

Morten .

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