>>>>> "Jens" == Jens Lautenbacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Jens> On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 11:59 +0000, Phillip Lord wrote:
  >> >>>>> "Guy" == Guy Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Guy> I first of all want to have a quick overview of the method
  Guy> signatures in the current file.
  >> ECB might be what you are looking for. If this takes up too much
  >> screen real estate for you, imenu, or the classes menu might be
  >> what you want.

  Jens> Still it would be nice to have (as many other IDEs do) e.g. a
  Jens> small "+" sign in the margin/gutter besides every method to
  Jens> simply hide/show the body of that method. I don't see how this
  Jens> can work currently, at least I never had much luck with the
  Jens> current folding/hideshow or whatever package with java files.

You could try jfolding.el. It steals functionality from hideshow and
folding mode. Folding mode is a little arachic now, and jfolding is
not actively maintained--it was never very well done anyway--but it
might work for you. The method folding functionality only uses
hideshow (folding.el was used for folding javadoc), so there is more
chance that it will work. But you are pretty much on your own. 

I got bored of this functionality to be honest. ECB, imenu,
incremental search, and M-x occur seem to achieve much the same
end. Each to his own!



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