>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> seems to think that:
>Jens Lautenbacher wrote:
>> On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 11:59 +0000, Phillip Lord wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Guy" == Guy Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>   Guy> I first of all want to have a quick overview of the method
>>>   Guy> signatures in the current file.
>>> ECB might be what you are looking for. If this takes up too much
>>> screen real estate for you, imenu, or the classes menu might be what
>>> you want.
>> Still it would be nice to have (as many other IDEs do) e.g. a small
>> "+" sign in the margin/gutter besides every method to simply
>> hide/show the body of that method. I don't see how this can work
>> currently, at least I never had much luck with the current
>> folding/hideshow or whatever package with java files.
>IMHO hideshow works well but nevertheless i agree with Jens about
>the +-sign in the fringe (at least GNU Emacs calls it so... ;-)...
>probably it should be possible to enhance hideshow.el so that this +
>is displayed besides each method (or whatever is foldable in a buffer)
>and clicking onto this + runs the appropriate commands of hideshow.el
>for the related method...
>I do not know the API Emacs offers for the fringe - but my assumption
>is this stuff should not be too hard - gud could be a good starting-
>example because displaying an arrow for the current debugging-location
>is in principle nothing else then displaying a +-sign at a certain
>location - the only thing i'm not sure if it is possible to make 
>symbols displayed in the fringe "clickable" so a command can be 
>bound to it??
  [ ... ]


  This is the sort of thing `semantic-decorate-mode' is for.  If you
take the `semantic-tag-boundary' in semantic-decorate-mode.el as a
baseline (about 44 lines), all you need to change (other than names)
is that the overlay be given a fringe/image to display instead of
underlining the text.

  Activating the +/- to keyboard input is a different story.

  I gave it a quick test and learned I don't know as much about fringe
images.  I'll provide my hack to anyone who wants to tweak it to
support fringe images properly.


          Eric Ludlam:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Home: http://www.ludlam.net            Siege: www.siege-engine.com
Emacs: http://cedet.sourceforge.net               GNU: www.gnu.org

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