Haven't used this particular applet, But that access control exception means you do not have a signed applet. If the applet needs to access remote host it needs to request additional perms and that means it has to be signed. If you didn't get a signed applet you can sign it with your own signature. Hope the article at http://raditha.com/java/sandbox/ would help you with that. As for the applet not loading up please check your web server log file to see if the JabberApplet.jar has in deed been delivered.

Having said all that i am sure someone would object to our discussing the applet since it's a client software.

Francesco Bacchelli wrote:

Hello Everybody,

I downloaded the JabberApplet today and had a few problems, greater and lesser ones, and I was hoping I could find someone willing to help this newbie.

Problem 1 (lesser): the applet class is not seen if it is JARed. I created a /jabber folder under the root of my apache web server, and put there a simple html file which, besides the usual HTML, HEAD and BODY tags had only the applt call, as reported on the jabberstudio web site, i.e.
<APPLET ARCHIVE="JabberApplet.jar" CODE="org/jabber/applet/JabberApplet.class" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=200 VIEWASTEXT>
<param name="xmlhostname" value="/jabber.myserver.org/">

So I put the JabberApplet.jar into the same folder of the html file and opened the html from a browser (that is Mozilla 1.3).
The result from the JVM was: load: class org.jabber.applet.JabberApplet not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File not found: http://mymachine/jabber/org/jabber/applet/JabberApplet.class

If I just unzip the .jar file the applet loads, bu then we fall into the 2nd problem.

Problem 2 (greater): there must be some kind of policy settings to apply, but frankly I couldn't find them anywhere. The message, once the applet has loaded, is:

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)
at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(AccessControlContext.java:272)

at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(AccessController.java:399)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(SecurityManager.java:545)
at sun.applet.AppletSecurity.checkAccess(AppletSecurity.java:139)
at java.lang.ThreadGroup.checkAccess(ThreadGroup.java:279)
at java.lang.Thread.init(Thread.java:265)
at java.lang.Thread.<init>(Thread.java:330)
at org.jabber.applet.TestConnect.<init>(TestConnect.java:59)
at org.jabber.applet.JabberApplet.init(JabberApplet.java:502)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:344)
at sun.plugin.navig.motif.MotifAppletViewer.maf_run(MotifAppletViewer.java:131)

at sun.plugin.navig.motif.MotifAppletViewer.run(MotifAppletViewer.java:127)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

and I can't seem to be going anywhere else.

Hope somebody can help

thanks in advance


Francesco Bacchelli

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