Mikael Hallendal wrote:
> ons 2003-11-05 klockan 19.14 skrev Joe Hildebrand:
>> There have been clients in the past that always sent to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] jid
>> (which is what you are suggesting), and user-experience-wise, they aren't
>> great, since some of the messages in a conversation end up going to the
>> two different resources, as auto-away priority changes happen.
> Any pointers to these clients and a discussion on what wasn't great
> about them?

Winjab originally had support for multiple conversations with multiple
resources, which is not what you're suggesting, but it's not what the current
I-D says either. The "users" I heard from (in droves via private email) were
_real_ honest-to-god users using my client. They all (and I mean ALL) wanted the
behavior that the draft is suggesting. It doesn't ever make sense to have
multiple chat windows open to the same bare jid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) since that is not
how we converse in real life. This approach is basically the opposite of what
you're proposing. The current I-D proposes a middle ground.

This stuff has come from experience of the jabber community (client writers
mostly). Not from a "marketing droid" survey of some kind.

> Any suggestions on how to handle this then? For example, I change
> computers and goes to my laptop, my desktop client is set to away (by
> autoaway or manually setting it to away), I log into my laptop. My
> friend who I where chatting with before writes me an important question,
> which goes to my desktop since he happened to chat with that resource. A
> few hours later I go back to my desktop and see that he has written the
> question.
> If the message followed the client where I actually is, this wouldn't
> have happened. Is there any solution to this with the current spec?

"Following the client" is a LOT harder than this one scenario. The model that I
use in Exodus is this:
- When a user dbl-clicks a contact in the roster, open a chat window and send
the first message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This allows the server (and possibly filtering
rules setup by the recipient) to determine which resource to send the message
- When I receive a reply back, I "lock in" that resource ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/foo).
- If [EMAIL PROTECTED]/foo goes offline, then I unlock the window and start sending
messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] again.
- If the user sends me a reply from a different resource, I lock in that new
[.. and here is the kicker ..]
- If I _close_ my window, and dbl-click the same contact, I reopen the same
window (showing old messages), but reset the jid back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What typically happens in the situation you describe above is that when you go
away, I would _usually_ (but not always) close the window. Which resets the JID
back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is how the majority my users seem to operate (based on
feature requests/bug reports/private email, etc..).


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