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Things seem to be working better already with this patch on my server. Thank 
you for your hard work, Paul. The Yahoo! transport is a very nice piece of 
work. :)

Wes Morgan

On Monday 15 December 2003 03:38 pm, Paul Curtis wrote:
> Some users and admins have benn experiencing connection problems with the
> Yahoo transport. I have traced the problem to Yahoo, and it seems that upon
> initial connection, Yahoo is not responding. The problem is random, and I
> haven't been able to predict when it will occur. This causes problems for
> user's sessions, as they are left running and connected. Below is a small
> patch for the yahoo-phandler.c to help with this problem.
> I am currently working on an update to the transport, but in the mean time,
> the below code will reset the user's session when the problem occurs. The
> symptoms are obvious: the transport sends an error packet to the client
> approximately 30 seconds after the initial attempt to connect to Yahoo. The
> below code will not change the behavior of the transport EXCEPT when Yahoo
> does not respond within the 30 second timeout.
> Starting on line 97 of yahoo-phandler.c (version 2.2.0 of the transport)
> the new code should be:
>     if (i >= yi->timeout) {
>        if (yd)
>           yahoo_close(yd);
>        jutil_error(jp->x, TERROR_INTERNAL);
>        yahoo_deliver(NULL,jp->x);
>        return;
>     }
> Please make the changes to the source code, compile, and restart the
> transport. I'll be updating more soon.
> Regards,
> Paul
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This American dream may be poisonous
Violence is contagious
Crowded or empty
I walk these city streets alone
Whoever brought me here
Is gonna have to take me home

"What I'll Remember Most" - Over the Rhine
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