On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 06:28:24PM -0700, Wes Morgan wrote:
> Can components request persistent storage for arbitrary data from jabberd2? If 
> not, is this something that's seen as a possible future feature? Also if not, 
> is everyone currently doing this by just opening a connection to a DB backend 
> from the component? Thanks.

In order to keep down the development time, the decision was made for
2.0 to require components to do their own storage.

My current plans for the next round of development include a XDB-like
data storage component for the other components to use, however I'm not
sure if this will be available or generic enough for other components to


Robert Norris                                       GPG: 1024D/FC18E6C2
Email+Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                Web: http://cataclysm.cx/

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