On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 10:19:08PM +1000, Trejkaz wrote:
> Let's say you remove the option to connect to an alternative IP.  This seals 
> off people like me who _need_ this setting to tunnel their XMPP connection 
> through a work firewall.

I'll grant you that you're situation sounds relatively complicated, and
I have little doubt that such a situation is very common. Perhaps if you
could give me a more concrete scenario I would be able to give you a
more thought out answer to this point. For example:

A network scenario like:
- behind a proxy (eg Squid)
- doesn't resolve DNS addresses for domains outside the LAN
- forces you to use a HTTP tunnel via the CONNECT command to pierce the
  proxy where the CONNECT command requires you to specify a particular
  server address and port number.

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