Justin Karneges wrote:
On Thursday 04 January 2007 1:04 pm, Maciek Niedzielski wrote:
Norman Rasmussen wrote:
Whitespace is significant in the <body/> element, no?
True, so we need to remind client developers that it's significant in
the html node too, and that it's the job of the _receiving_ client to
ensure that the whitespace is preserved (not the sending client)
Just a question I always wanted to ask: Is it possible for a server to
rewrite a stanza (and break the whitespaces)?

Whitespace is always significant. That's XML. If a server rewrites XML, the whitespace must still be there.

As for XHTML, whitespace significance really depends on how XHTML is supposed to work. Yes, the whitespace is there, since XHTML is XML, but what is the meaning of the whitespace to an XHTML renderer? I don't believe this is ours to decide.

If XHTML is just like HTML, where any length of whitespace simplifies down to one character for presentation, then we should probably respect this in XHTML-IM.



Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

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