Hi Justin,

I do not see the issue as a too high load problem.

Let us assume 50,000 users online.
Most of the users never send any traffic, so they do not actually
create a load problem.

However, there is a difference between 50K tcp connections to the
jabber server, versus 50 (1 per server) connections in total.
Yes I could assign multiple IP addresses to the server to allow
for more tcp ports, but this seems like a very nasty work around.

Therefore my question, does the protocol (and any implementation)
support using this type of pooling?

Am I correct in understanding that the example below sets up the
client connection (and the first tcp requests) ?

Step 1: Client requests session with server:
<iq to='example.com' type='set' id='sess_1'>
<session xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session'/>

Unfortunately I could not find/ understand how the authentication takes place...
Am I looking in the wrong spec?
     from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]/balcony'
     type='chat' xml:lang='en'>
<body>Wherefore art thou, Romeo?</body>
Can a client just set any "from"? I assume that this is checked somewhere...
Can you have multiple from's in the same "session"?

Trying to get some basic understanding of how the protocol works...

Thanks for your help,


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