Ernest Nova wrote:


> It might offend some, but pub-sub is at high functional level 
> essentially an access-controlled broadcast chatroom without the
> presence traffic/ room roster. The message replication performance and
> scalability there too will depend on the implementation. You do get the
> benefit of light weight topic/subscription management - but in any
> sophisticated alerting system with complex subscription rules, these
> rules would need to be populated outside the IM-system using a more
> visual interface. You may also lose the benefit of presence-based
> dynamic routing of alerts.

I'm not offended. And I agree that often you want to pursue
communication (either one-to-one or many-to-many) after receiving an
alert. So send alerts to a chatroom or specifying the chatroom where
discussion can happen is important. I think we can handle the latter
case with a 'replyroom' header in the pubsub notification (but we don't
have any examples of that in XEP-0060 yet).


Peter Saint-Andre

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