Well, I'm not the most experienced one here, but I'll tell you what I know.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Ruff, Rob <rr...@scires.com> wrote:

>  Hi, ****
> ** **
> I am new to XMPP and have a few questions.  I have read the book and a
> number of different websites and am still not sure about a few things.  **
> **
> ** **
> We are considering using XMPP for chat, conferencing, etc between a number
> of systems that will not be connected via a reliable network.  The systems
> may lose connectivity at any time, especially if one is moving.  Since any
> of the systems can lose connectivity, an XMPP server will run at each one
> so the systems that are still connected can communicate.****
> ** **
> I am using Openfire and Spark as well as a bot I created using the gloox
> c++ library to do some prototyping/testing.****
> ** **
> **-          **Is a DNS required to use XMPP, in particular for the
> server to server connections?  I have played around with using the hosts
> file and I can’t seem to get that to work.
Formally, yes. If you want to interface with outside XMPP providers such as
jabber.org or Google, also yes. In practice, no, but there are some
conditions you have to meet. Specifically, in order for server A and B to
communicate by S2S, both servers must have host entries for themselves and
each other, which exactly match the XMPP domain name each is serving.

> ****
> **-          **I have seen references to BOSH for unreliable connections
> but it usually referred to client-server connections.  Could that be used
> for server-server connections as well or is there something else you would
> recommend?

To the best of my knowledge there is no BOSH equivalent for S2S.

> ****
> **-          **Is multicast required?
No, unless you're using a specific XMPP service that relies on it.

> ****
> **-          **I understand that conferences are hosted at a particular
> server.  That would mean if that particular server lost connectivity then
> the conference would be unavailable for the others that are still
> connected.  Is there any way around this?

To my knowledge, no. The only two servers I've worked with here are
Openfire and Ejabberd, so it's possible that some other server like M-Link
explicitly supports hot failover and clustering of individual multi-user
chats. Ejabberd supports clustering of MUC _domains_, but each individual
conference lives on a particular node. If it dies it can be restarted on
another node, but in the mean time it's still dead.


> Thanks in advance!****
> Rob****
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