
I want to ask you about the right definistion of "polling" in XEP-0124.

"polling" is written in 12.Polling Session below.

>> If a session will use "polling", the connection manager SHOULD specify a
higher than normal value for the 'inactivity' attribute  in its session
creation response.
>> The increase SHOULD be greater than the value it specifies for the
'polling' attribute.

What "polling" mean?
I want to know when should I treat polling attribute of session creation

"polling" means ,

(1) sending empty request to CM (long polling) ?


(2) setting the values of the 'wait' and/or 'hold' attributes in its
session creation request to "0",
 and then "poll" the connection manager at regular intervals throughout the
session for payloads it might have received from the server ?


(3) something else ?


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