On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:11 PM, mukund tripathi <mukc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Kevin ,
> I am interested in two of the projects you offer :

We've got details on the ideas page of the appropriate people to speak to.

> First is the 'multi-resource support' in the Swift category

For this, drop by sw...@rooms.swift.im and chat to Remko or me.

> But the one that really attracts me a lot is the 'TCP for jingle nodes
> ' as i have a fair experience working with TCP and underlying link
> layer protocols and related retrofitting in Tcl .Thus i really want to
> go in for it !

For this, jon the ga...@conference.gajim.org room and talk to Asterix.

> Could you please suggest me which one to go in for in case you have
> preferences for projects ?

They're for different clients (Swift and Gajim), so it really depends
on which you're more interested in, and what other students apply for.

> And is the latter project too hard to implement as i feel it can be done ?

I have no idea :)

> What steps should i take next to get more familiar ?

Chat to the people above.

> And where can i find the source codes to review ?

>From the sites for the clients.

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