Hello Everyone,

I've been working on a library called "Frabjous" for a little while now. It 
doesn't aim to replace clients like Strophe.js or JsJac, but instead be an ORM 
for the XMPP protocol. This is to enable better code reuse between projects and 
reduce the barrier to entry for implementing an XMPP based messaging solution 
in the browser.

The code is up on github:

Along with a demo which shows how the Ember key value bindings can build a UI 
with very little code:

The project is tested using Jasmine to make it maintainable, and I'm splitting 
it up as best I can on a per XEP basis so that code can be added or removed 
with a minimum of fuss. I've also ported "equivalent-xml" to Javascript which 
may be of use to anyone dealing with testing, XML and Javascript. It can be 
found here:

So far Frabjous can:
 - Deal with basic message types (message, presence) and turn those into 
contacts with threads etc
 - Generate and send stanzas with callback support (currently just a message 
method on a Contact)
 - Link errors received back to the original object

At the moment it doesn't actually hook int Strophe or JsJac, but to add this in 
will be simple. The focus has to been to demonstrate the concepts before the 
project is fleshed out.

I'd be really interested to hear any thoughts, criticism and if anyone else is 
attempting something similar or would like to get involved.


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