On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Theo Cushion <t...@jivatechnology.com> wrote:
>> Where are you seeing the performance problems with having many MUCs?
>> It should make no odds to a client that it's present in many empty
>> MUCs (although I guess if you're talking about thousands, the number
>> of join stanzas would get onerous), and servers are likely to scale
>> well (empty MUCs will be using almost no resources).
> The performance issue is in the client, every time we have a new connection 
> it has to send a whole bunch of join stanzas. This may not sound like a big 
> deal, but it causes a noticeable delay in all of the processing that has to 
> be done when a page is first loaded.

Well, golly, I'm amazed. How many rooms are we talking about?

> I imagine we are a fairly isolated in our application wanting clients to auto 
> join rooms every time they connect, so there's no point in addressing this in 
> the standard. However, linking in with the Muc/Pubsub (MEP?) could provide a 
> great way to get around this issue, and be universally useful.

Well, most desktop clients are set to autojoin a bunch of rooms...

> What do you think?

So the problem is only needing one class of user to be joined to
specific MUCs when someone from another class of user joins one?
There's a potential here (you control all clients, don't you?) to have
an intermediary know when class B users join a MUC so they can then
send invites to the appropriate class A users.

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