
I hereby enumerate my experience and issues I had running the TCK:

- schema is not fully created with the existing DDL script, so the
implementation needs to create it at runtime or pre-runtime. Note: JPOX
can do it at runtime or pre-runtime.

- BigDecimal tests use equals to assert the values; JPOX fails to keep
the 0s after the decimals (9999.999900000 = 9999.9999) as it relies on
the database to do it, and of databases doesn't keep it; I propose the
asserts be changed from equals to compare. Of course, one implementation
could store it in a varchar or char column, but...

- In SimpleInterface tests I had to add the jpox extension
implementation-classes in the metadata. The JDO says that we can look in
the "implements" attribute for the SimpleClass, so we, JPOX, will make
the necessary changes to support it.

- Some query tests require an "id" field that is not available if the
tests are run in datastore identity mode.

- Retrieve test fails as JDO 2, in the current state, has broken the
backward compatibility. 

- Reachability test fails with JPOX. This is a known issue.

Running with Derby

- Derby is limited to 36 constraints by table; FieldsOfSimpleClass class
has more than a 100 fields with 1-1 association with SimpleClass, so if
the implementation automatically creates the foreign key, it will fail.

Running with Eclipse

- with Eclipse I'm able to execute all tests and debug as needed. I
couldn't find any memory leak neither in the JDO TCK nor JPOX, but I see
that the objects in memory don't get gargage collected after each test,
even if it run successfully.


Erik Bengtson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Caisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 5:36 PM
To: Brian Topping
Cc: jdo-dev@db.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: JDO TCK Conference Call Friday, April 29, 9 am PST

Okay, Brian.  Thanks for the report.  I hope everything works out okay.

-- Michelle

Brian Topping wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I'm not going to be making it today, been having significant issues
> getting anything done this week and need to spend the day tomorrow at
> hospital(s) for family members.  I'll be trying to get my list taken
> care of this weekend though.
> best, Brian
> Michelle Caisse wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We will have our regular meeting Friday (April 29) at 9 am PST to 
>> discuss JDO TCK issues and status.
>> Dial-in numbers are:
>> 866 230-6968   294-0479#
>> International: +1 865 544-7856
>> Agenda:
>> XML Schema (Brian T - specifics on orm dtd issues, Craig - dtd issues

>> fixed?)
>> JDO API release on ibiblio (Brian T, Craig)
>> Detached objects (Matthew)
>> JIRA/Apache accounts( all)
>> OutOfMemoryError (Michelle)
>> Apache nightly builds (Brian)
>> Other  issues  and status (any and all)
>> -- Michelle

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