Hi Geoff,

On May 21, 2005, at 12:53 PM, Geoff hendrey wrote:

Department.hashCode method is using a persistent field
to compute the value of the hashcode, in TCK11. Note
that in the Sun version of the TCK, which JDOMax
passes, hashCode is NOT overidden for Department.

I think it is wrong to override hashCode and equals
for any class using datastore identity.

The decision to override hashCode and equals belongs to the application, not to the JDO implementation. These methods implement the application's notion of equality, which as is well-described in the JDO specification, is different from both identity (the JVM's way of distinguishing whether two instances are the same) and JDO identity. That's why we have JDO identity.

This was the
subject of 35 or so emails on the experts group, and
this was the position espoused by Craig.

Craig laid down the law:
"If you don't have a set of fields that uniquely form
an application identity, then you should not implement
equals. You *should* delegate to Object.equals"

The classes in question have a set of fields that uniquely form an application identity, and hashCode and equals use these fields. I don't see the issue.

Please let me know if an implementation is expected to
handle cases when the user overides equals and
hashCode for datastore identity?

Yes. The three forms identity, equality, and JDO identity are given equal weight in the Java specification, the java.util classes, and the JDO specification. Identity belongs to the VM; equality belongs to the application; JDO identity belongs to the implementation.


Certainly, JDOMax
does NOT, and is failing a good bit of the Apache
TCK11 because of it!


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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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