> I've done that, but then JPOX seems to want a primary key in the join
> table and supplies it, though there is none in the schema or metadata.
>     [java] [FATAL] tck - Exception during setUp or runtest:
> <javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException: Put request failed : INSERT INTO
>     [java] NestedThrowables:
>     [java] SQL Exception: 'ADPT_PK_IDX' is not a column in table or VTI
> 'TCKUSER.EMPLOYEE_PHONENO_TYPE'.>javax.jdo.JDODataStoreException: Put
>     [java]      at
> org.jpox.store.rdbms.scostore.NormalMapStore.put(NormalMapStore.java:462)


This is a different issue to the one before. You previously had a M-N between 
Employee and Project - and so adding the <join> to the other end should have 
fixed that, presumably it did.

What is this relationship causing the issue ? I'm guessing a Map in Person of 
<String, String>. It is a perfectly valid thing for an impl to want to put a 
PK on any table.  It is also a valid thing for an impl to add additional 
columns where required to allow duplicates etc. Depends on the exact nature 
of this relation in question. This page
shows what JPOX currently does for Maps. If you can identify which one you 
have, then maybe Erik or I can remember why there is an ADPT_PK_IDX column 
being added in this particular situation.

PS. Next nightly build (20050527) will *not* need the use of <join> on both 
ends of a M-N, so you can have a "mapped-by" on one end and <join> on the 
other end of the M-N as you had before.

JPOX - Java Persistent Objects

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