NOTE: Next week's JDO TCK Conference (July 7) is CANCELLED! The next meeting will be on Friday, July 14.
Attendees: Matthew Adams, Michael Bouschen, Michelle Caisse

1. JDO2 Annotations - Discussion on approaches. AI everyone: Look at the link JPOX sent out for their annotations. More analysis required.

2. Subqueries in JDOQL - Craig sent around some more example queries. AI: Michael will propose a JDOQL query that will handle them. AI: Matthew will send follow-up email on his proposal.

3. Other issues

Michael has heard no objections on splitting up core subproject. Will begin unless he receives an objection.

Matthew learned that Excalia plans JDO2 compliance in September.

Action Items from weeks past:

[Jun 23 2006] AI Craig update ChangeLog and ChangeLog15 pages and ask for review by EG. AI Martin look at what Hibernate and TopLink support for Enum types.

[Jun 23 2006]  JDO2 Annotations  AI everyone respond to the email thread.

[Jun 23 2006] AI everyone look at and respond to the JDOQL subqueries thread.

[Jun 2 2006] Additional query tests for projecting variables are in Craig's workspace. AI Craig: file a JIRA with patches to be reviewed.

[Jun 2 2006] AI team: go through the open issues and assign relevant issues to the maintenance release.

[Apr 14 2006] AI Craig: update the roadmap for JDO. In progress.

[Nov 4 2005] AI Martin: Update Martin's wiki with discusion of JDK 1.5 issues. In progress

[Sep 2 2005] AI: To recruit members, update the web site. Articles on TheServerSide directing attention to the site. T-shirts, logo. AI: Craig write a ServerSide article.

-- Michelle

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