Attendees:  Michelle Caisse, Michael Bouschen, Matthew Adams,  Martin Zaun

1.  JDOQL subqueries

Re Wes's proposal (Re: JDOQL Subquery proposals, 9/17/2006): Basically good, solves some existing problems, but syntax is not intuitive. Michael will reply on jdo-dev with an augmented proposal. Also mentioned

2.  Other issues

Annotations: Matthew feels that it may be difficult to make a clean separation. Will discuss the separation, especially how JPA did the separation versus the JDO perspective, next week.

Discussed List test (JDO-430). Agreed that it is preferable in this test case for order information to be contained in a database column only, not in a field of the class.

Discussion on JDO-416. The existing poms are built by maven and loaded into the local maven repository, generated from project.xml. They are not correct maven2 poms. There is no place currently to store maven2 poms in subversion. Need to figure out what to do with Matthew's maven2 pom.

Action Items from weeks past:

[Sep 15 2006] AI Craig discuss a request for enhancement of the TCK to permit reflective implementations on aliases.

[Sep 1 2006] AI Matthew: look into a cleaner separation for object model vs. mapping annotations. AI Craig check into default handling to accommodate different defaults based on context.

[Sep 1 2006] AI Michael and Craig: propose spec updates for JDOQL subqueries for community review.

[Sep 1 2006] AI Michelle update download page to refer to ibiblio (JDO-406). (In progress)

[Aug 11 2006] AI Craig propose some semantics for behavior if user tries to add to a list where the ordering element is incorrect.

[Aug 4 2006] AI: Craig call for a negative vote to approve returning a copy.

[Jul 14 2006] AI: Erik document 220 annotations that don't have a corresponding JDO concept.

[Jul 14 2006] AI Erik write up JPOX behavior for deletion of objects when foreign-key is present .

[Jun 23 2006] AI Craig update ChangeLog and ChangeLog15 pages and ask for review by EG. AI Martin look at what Hibernate and TopLink support for Enum types. In progress

[Jun 2 2006] Additional query tests for projecting variables are in Craig's workspace. AI Craig: file a JIRA with patches to be reviewed.

[Apr 14 2006] AI Craig: update the roadmap for JDO. In progress.

[Nov 4 2005] AI Martin: Update Martin's wiki with discusion of JDK 1.5 issues. In progress

[Sep 2 2005] AI: To recruit members, update the web site. Articles on TheServerSide directing attention to the site. T-shirts, logo. AI: Craig write a ServerSide article.

-- Michelle

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