Attendees: Martin Zaun, Erik Bengtson, Michael Bouschen, Matthew Adams, Craig Russell


1. Server TimeZone: One issue is using multiple databases with a single PMF. Which time is acquired? This will have to be configured using some proprietary API. The time zone might not be known by the application, so it might have to be configured in the PMF. AI Craig send proposal to the expert group for a vote.

2. Other issues

Proxy proposal: Currently, JPOX supports JTA outside the Java EE container via lightweight frameworks; does the proposal address this use case? Yes. Any environment in which the implementation can get access to the JTA transaction can support the proxy API. AI Craig put to gether a proposal to be formally proposed to the expert group.

Action Items from weeks past:

[Aug 11 2006] AI Craig propose some semantics for behavior if user tries to add to a list where the ordering element is incorrect.

[Jul 14 2006] AI: Erik document 220 annotations that don't have a corresponding JDO concept.

[Jun 23 2006] AI Martin look at what Hibernate and TopLink support for Enum types. In progress.

[Apr 14 2006] AI Craig: update the roadmap for JDO. In progress.

[Nov 4 2005] AI Martin: Update Martin's wiki with discusion of JDK 1.5 issues. In progress

[Sep 2 2005] AI: To recruit members, update the web site. Articles on TheServerSide directing attention to the site. T-shirts, logo. AI: Craig write a ServerSide article.

-- Michelle

Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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