Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Michael Bouschen, Craig Russell

1. News on JDO-678 "Ability to set properties on PersistenceManager" 

no news.
2. JDO release candidate 

The artifacts are named jdo-version-src so it might make sense to name the root 
pom "jdo" instead of "root". This avoids the need to specify a different "final 
name" for the release artifacts.

Michael sent a patch to create release artifacts. The patch looks good. Creates 
appropriate release artifacts. Now need to look at how to use the Apache Nexus 
repository to stage the release. Michelle is updating the HowToReleaseJDO.html 
3. Other issues 

More wiki spam daily. Manageable for now. 

Warning about "longer than 100 characters" can be ignored? Probably yes.

Action Items from weeks past: 
[May 31 2013] AI Craig: put a table into an Appendix enumerating the properties 
and an indication of whether the property is an       option or a property or 
[May 10 2013] AI Everyone take a look Apache ISIS and maybe subscribe to ISIS 
mail lists. 
[Aug 24 2012] AI Craig update the JIRAs JDO-689 JDO-690 and JDO-692 about 
JDOHelper methods. In process. 
[Aug 17 2012] AI Craig comment on JIRA JDO-589 Autocommit or nontransactional 
[Sep 23 2011] AI Michael document when changing dependencies (to DataNucleus) 
it's necessary to rebuild the exectck project before running tck. 

Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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